16 Interesting Facts About The Vacuum Cleaner

16 Fun Facts About The Vacuum Cleaner
The vacuum cleaner is something that many people use every day, but do you know facts about the vacuum cleaner?
Here are the most interesting facts about the vacuum cleaner you probably didn't know.
1. The first patent for a vacuum cleaner was filed in 1901 by John S. Thurman from Canton, Ohio.
It wasn't until later that year when William Henry Hoover patented his own design and introduced it to the public as the "Rotary Vacuum Cleaner."
2. A vacuum cleaner generally only collects about 80 percent of the dirt it sucks up.
The rest is left on your floor and must be swept or picked up later with a dustpan & brush.
3. In Europe, most vacuum cleaners have a rotating brush bar to help loosen stubborn particles from carpets before being sucked into the machine itself.
4. The first upright vacuum cleaner was released in 1907 by the British company, Dyson.
5. The average vacuum cleaner has a life span of about 6 years.
6. A turbo brush is a type of attachment that can be used on some vacuum cleaners to help clean stairs and furniture.
7. Dyson vacuums are not your average vacuum cleaners.
They use a patented technology called Root Cyclone, which spins the dirt out of the air so fast that it never touches any internal components.
8. The first commercial vacuum cleaner to be sold in America was introduced by William H. Hoover in 1908.
It costed about $60 - or just under $1500 when adjusted for inflation.
9. In 1970, a study in the American Journal of Public Health found that sucking dust and dirt into a household vacuum cleaner could be fatal to asthma sufferers due to "the release of very fine particles which get deep down within the lungs."
10. In 2002, NASA sent an experimental version of Dyson's Root Cyclone technology up on Space Shuttle Discovery. The technology was used to clean the shuttle's filters.
11. A cordless vacuum cleaner is a type of vacuum cleaner that does not require a power cord in order to function.
12. The first battery powered vacuum cleaner was invented by Walter Griffiths in 1901 and was called the "Puffing Billy."
13. The average person will walk about 115,000 miles over the course of their lifetime - and that's just while vacuuming.
14. In 1972, a law was passed in California requiring all vacuum cleaners to be fitted with non-metal bags because of concerns about metal dust caused by vacuums.
15. The first robot vacuum cleaner was invented in 1970.
16. Sir James Dyson's company, Dyson Ltd., is currently worth about $13 billion and employs more than 12,000 people worldwide.
These interesting facts about the vacuum cleaner show how important it can be to clean our homes! If you'd like to learn more about vacuum cleaners, read our blog.
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